Loan Group Details

Name : CACMU Loan Group 56

Microfinance Institutions Overview

Cooperativa De Ahorro Y Credito Mujeres Unidas (CACMU) is a savings and credit cooperative in Ecuador that is committed to improving the conditions of women and their families in rural areas by providing financial services and products with a focus on social and environmental responsibility.

  • Historical default rate of MFI on platform: 0%

     For the first year, this is the average default rate of the microfinance institution’s (MFI) portfolio. We then report default rate on the platform.

  • Number of loan groups sold to date: 55
  • Total amount of loans sold to date: $1,263,862.00 USD
  • Length of relationship with SGC: 11 years

Loan Group Details

  • Average interest rate charged to the borrower for loans in the loan group: 16.81%
  • Duration of entire loan group: 48 months
  • Repayment frequency to investor: Quarterly starting July 15, 2023 (tentatively)
  • Potential annual return to investor: 8.63 %

      Returns are stated in terms of extended annual internal rate of return (XIRR)

Loan Group Make Up

Each loan group is comprised of multiple individual loans that the MFI has made. When you invest in a loan group, you invest in a pro-rata portion of each of the loans in this loan group.

Loans amortize, or gradually pay off, the principal and interest over time. This is different from a bond as you don’t have to wait until the end to receive your principal payment. You will be receiving a portion of the total principal and interest you will receive over the life of the loans with each payment to you.

In the table below, you can find more information regarding the individual loans that make up this loan group.

Loan Number Amount Interest Duration Start Date End Date Repayment schedule Loan Product
136 $2,500 16.95 % 24 months 4/21/2023 4/21/2025 Monthly Microcredit - Investment Services
137 $2,500 16.95 % 18 months 5/29/2023 11/28/2024 Monthly Microcredit - Commercial
138 $2,500 16.95 % 24 months 5/2/2023 5/1/2025 Monthly Microcredit - Investment Services
139 $3,000 16.95 % 24 months 4/4/2023 4/4/2025 Monthly Microcredit - Commercial
140 $3,000 16.95 % 36 months 4/4/2023 4/4/2026 Monthly Microcredit - Investment Services
141 $3,000 16.95 % 36 months 5/23/2023 5/22/2026 Monthly Microcredit - Investment Services
142 $3,000 16.95 % 24 months 5/9/2023 5/8/2025 Monthly Microcredit - Services
143 $3,000 16.95 % 24 months 5/9/2023 5/8/2025 Monthly Microcredit - Commercial
144 $4,010 14.99 % 48 months 5/29/2023 5/31/2027 Monthly Microcredit - Agriculture
145 $4,850 17.50 % 36 months 5/24/2023 5/23/2026 Monthly Microcredit - Agriculture

Anticipated XIRR : 8.63 %

Payment schedule to investors :Quarterly starting July 15, 2023 (tentatively)

Investment Details

Minimum investment: $5,000 USD

Maximum investment: Corresponds to the remaining loan amount available to invest in, but for a natural person is $50,000 USD

Financial Product Type: Amortizing group of loans

Downloads: Sample Payment Schedule

Are you interested in investing or learning more? Click “Invest now” and fill out the form to initiate the process.

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